Ep. 133 - Richard Taylor
Episode 133 — Richard Taylor
August 1, 2016 — 56 mins
We're finally back from our hiatus, joined by one of our most sought-after guests - Sir Richard Taylor - the founder, creative director, and head of New Zealand's legendary Weta Workshop.
Join us as we go in depth on Richard's backstory, how he started the Workshop, and where he hopes to take it in the future. We cover everything from Richard's professional aspirations, how he cultivates creativity in his talented team, and how he manages a hectic schedule while maintaining strong personal relationships.
Seeing as Richard has worked on some of the most iconic projects in the history of entertainment, it's quite a treat for us to have had this opportunity, so we really hope you enjoy his insight as much as we did!
“The art of innovation is to throw yourself at failure and miss.”